Factor 50 (Charity Single) by Nicholas Rage
Nicholas Rage, a local Tottenham resident and born and bred Londoner has an obsession for rather odd music. His recent passion lies in ethnic edits from across the globe, with lyrics being the least of his criteria of musical interest. In fact he says if they cannot be understood then they just become a texture in the soundscape, which seems to suit his attention span perfectly well.
His latest and only release to date is a track called “Factor 50” with all proceeds appropriately going to a small charity who is helping raise awareness for the prevention of skin cancer. Melanoma UK supports melanoma patients, caregivers, and medical professionals through coordinated information and services.
“I had this idea for a track when I was in Australia a few years ago. Factor 50 sunscreen was pretty much mandatory. I found this out being a classic Brit abroad burning myself to a cinder on Bondi Beach on the first day of my trip. One brand of sunscreen that stuck in my head was Cancer Council, it’s ominous branding just highlights the potential dangers of excessive sun exposure without sunscreen. You won’t see much fancy bronzing oil going on in that part of the world, unless you’re going for the old brown leather sofa look.”
“Being a fan of Baz Luhrmann’s famous sunscreen track, I thought perhaps I could add my own twist to it. Frankly I found the backing track rather generic as much as I loved the message in the lyrics, so I found one of those dodgy karaoke cover acapellas and immediately got to work. It’s taken me 3 years on and off to come up with this version probably due to getting bored of the idea every other day.”
Nicholas has ADHD, which can vary in severity from person to person and often makes completing tasks such as finishing tracks a monumental prospect. If you met him in person you would totally think he has it all together but behind closed doors often far less than ideal situations occur from frequently losing possessions, forgetting important tasks, dates and general overwhelm from information overload.
“What annoys me and many others like myself is when people say, ‘oh I do that as well, you don’t have anything wrong with you’. The one we all love is ‘you’re just lazy’ that’s the ultimate classic. Everyone loses things now and again but if anything impacts your life to an impairment, there is an obvious issue concerned. If anyone excessively struggles with the above mentioned, there are many support groups in London available in which I would be more than happy to provide more information about.” You can check out the London adult ADHD meetup group here
You can find the “Factor 50” track here: https://soundcloud.com/nicholasrage/factor-50
If you’d like to catch Nicholas Rage spinning some vinyl he’s next playing at Nightshift – Peckham Rye 21st September.
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