North East London Neo-Psych Rapper Domo Gorille flips expectations again with “Rip It Up” Music Video.
An ekphrastic response by Tice Cin.

When you write about a music video, write about its characters. These men have climbed out of The Sublime, and they’re walking to the tune of lead single “Rip It Up“.
But before this, you’ve got the girl in the pig tails and she’s lost in her phone, like we all are.
And before that, you’ve got the patio shot. But this ain’t just any front garden – this is an M&S front garden. It’s got pillars and the lush jet washed emptiness of those kinda rich folk.
Sachy 187’s beat drops a voice morph and now we’ve actually reached the boys and they know where the keys are to this place. Cue trainer shot, which is the real money shot. Half hearts and bubbles. Comme des Garçons.

It’s no straight up heist. Inside the house, you get questions. This house is actually quite bare-boned, it’s got nothing that you’d want if what you wanted was home. But Domo and his friends are here to “Break up bread and split with the team/Make the water turn into wine“. Was the magnum already there? What about the cash too? He’s come with his own money and his bag is full already. Meaning, everything he wanted he had already – what’s this house but a stage? The gold is there only to get laughed at and shoved back in the drawer or worn like costume.
Last things we see are the real pleasures. Friends in Domos Gallery. Skanking. Catching moves off each other. Eyes to the camera, mouthing, “Mosh with the gang when I live it up/Till my limits up“.
Follow Domo Gorille on Instagram and Twitter
Tice Cin is a writer and maker of spacey beats, currently working on digital art at Barbican as part of Design Yourself collective. She shares news of her work on Instagram and Twitter
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