Threads*ZK/U Pop-Up #2 – All Day Stream (16/03/19)
Threads Radio and Threads*ZK/U present their second live broadcast from Berlin’s Moabit.
Listen back to all the days shows here
Threads*ZK/U specializes in thematic deep dives and musical research. This edition presents enquiries into machine music, spoken word and sentimental pop, local knowledge from the music scenes of Eastern Europe and Manchester, and power from SISTAS following International Women’s Day.
Threads*ZK/U is the sister-studio of Threads radio (London). It builds on the dynamic interconnectivity of the ZK/U Berlin echoing its drive towards meaning-creation and disruption in the urban sphere.
– Always Ready But Never Prepared (Jon Snow) w/ Cressida (Voitax) – A deep unscripted look into the different souls of the music world.
– Art Needs An Operation (Calvin Scherer) UK – Exploring underground music scenes from Eastern Europe, from Russian Black Metal to Polish Gabber.
– Habitat Shaking (Roman Selezinka, Radioactivitat) – eliminating borders between music genres
– Lunar Transmissions (Rachael Van Heathcote) – thoughts and sounds from cosmic adventures.
– Machine Learning: Morgan Trista (Stroke Order/Sacred Sound Club, Vancouver) – eclectic sets from minimal wave to maximal rave.
– Medallion Man (Loose Lips/Threads) UK – an insight into Manchester’s musical currents.
– Sentimental Songs: DJ Sentimentemily – a critical historical commentary on pop music.
– SISTAS show with Alithea: featuring Daybee Dee, Choreographer and DJ extraordinaire.
– Stack Music: Konrad Sprenger (PAN / choose) presents a mix of contemporary and historical mechanical music.
– Weirding Module No. 4: Nathan Gray – speech in the context of contemporary art and experimental music.
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